
 I've had a tremendous urge to share my story with others because it empowers us all to understand that change is possible and that what matters most is who we tell ourselves today, not where we were yesterday.

I made my independent move when I was sixteen. I was raised in the Utahn tiny town of Moab. You're probably surprised to hear that I smoked a lot of cigarettes from 16 to 20. I started doing narcotics. I definitely favored crystal meth, but I did enjoy smoking pot occasionally. It was my life for two years. I like getting highs, but I also loved how hard I would crash. losing all energy and spending several days at a period in bed. My ambition and health were a complete mess. I believed that there was no hope for me. I had no idea how to handle any of it.

I desired an improved existence. I was adamant that choosing BETTER was an option.

I gave up smoking cigarettes when I got pregnant with my first child at the age of twenty. In that very moment. I told myself to just quit since I had always wanted to be a mother.

In my twenties, I gave birth to four gorgeous children, led a sedentary lifestyle, and developed a severe addiction to sugar.

I cherished creating sweets and baking. I had a horrible feeling. I simply reasoned, "Well, this is just what happens as I get older." Additionally, I believed that baking them a ton of cookies and cupcakes almost every day was a sign of a "good" mother.

Something occurred once more.I finally addressed what had been screaming at me from within all along.I knew, deep down, that I knew better.

Similar to nicotineEven though the sugar was highly addictive, it was still a decision.

I was apologizing. I was always choosing the quick route.

The truth is that it was not at all simple! I was not content with my appearance or energy level.

Due to the decisions I made every day, I was in pain.

I made the decision to alter it.

In that very moment.

I started doing a lot of study on fitness and health.

making healthier lifestyle decisions that I believed were right and good for me, sometimes gradually but consistently.

At this point, everything in my life started to open up and became much more FUN and meaningful.

The tiny decisions we CAN make every day They released us.

All of this does not imply that I am now "perfect" at clean eating, but my life HAS undergone a significant transformation.

I am aware that everything I put into my body has an impact on my energy, happiness, and, eventually, my quality of life.

It is an option.

One that each of us CAN choose.

It makes no difference who we are, where we've been, or how "gone" we believe we are.

That stuff won't ever matter.

The decisions we make TODAY are what count.

It's always possible.

Our inner truths have the power to liberate us and uplift others.

I hope your adventure brings you a lifetime of health and happiness!

Love, Sara Lopez